Outstanding Australian Alumni Association 2013

Outstanding Australian Alumni Association 2013

Friday, March 21, 2014

University of Melbourne’s Singapore Students Society - SSS Orientation Camp 2014

UMAAS was one of the proud sponsors of the University of Melbourne’s Singapore Students Society (SSS) annual flagship event – SSS Orientation Camp 2014 - held in Melbourne. Based on the hit TV reality series with the same name, SURVIVOR CAMP 2014 was a 3D2N camp that opened up opportunities for the Singaporean students to test their mettle and make new friends at the same time.

On the first day the students played some bonding games and had groups paint their group identity flags. Groups were named after the respective teams in the show Survivor (eg Kota, Boran, etc). They had 8 groups of 5-6 people each. On the second day, the students had two sessions of mass games as well as station games and the finale to wrap up the day: war games. They had a point system that built up to the war game where we allocated the groups waterbombs based on the number of points they had. It was really nice to see everyone have so much fun especially in the finale game. At night a camp fire was set up where most of the campers sat around and socialized with one another. On the third day, the students had prize giving and a short period of time for them to relax and play games with their friends before heading back into the city.

Overall, the camp went very smoothly with good feedback from the campers, thanks to the Singapore Students' Society. Special thanks to Chow Jing Han (President, SSS) and Sabina Loke (Ext-VP, SSS) for their time and efforts in reaching out to us at UMAAS. The link to the event page as well as the camp album is as follows: https://www.facebook.com/events/1396720130590726/

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