Outstanding Australian Alumni Association 2013

Outstanding Australian Alumni Association 2013

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ending up higher than the 63rd floor!

The Tuesday 24th June, Annual Dean's Dinner hosted by Professor Paul Kofman, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, was my first FBE event; given the fine food, warmth of collegiality from among newly met and past friends of the Alumni alike, plus the dizzying view from what seemed like the “Top of The World", at the Tower Club Singapore – it will definitely not be my last either.

Every Alumni counts in an Alumni event and so does everyone else. it is unlikely that I can possibly recount the impossible by retelling the multitude of conversations at my table, let alone the other 5 tables. But there was constant and friendly exchanges among all. Some of us knew each other from before the night, but equally many of us met many for the first time at this event. Whatever the maturation of our networks, I am never disappointed and always entertained by the depth of the Melbourne Alumni; their education always shines!

Melbourne University graduates have a conversation that is worth sharing and when you mix into this fine company the fine words of our guest speakers, including Professor Paul Kofman, who gave an invaluable update on the latest pioneering developments at the Faculty and the University, Mr Esmond Choo (BCom Hons 1981), Senior Executive Director of UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd, who shared with guests his University experience and stories from his subsequent career in the finance and insurance sectors, plus the final thank you speech from Thomas Danny Jeyaseelan, President of the Singapore Chapter of the Melbourne University Alumni, you are going to end up slightly higher than the advertised 63rd Floor!

The night was a huge success and thank you to the event organisers, especially, Christine Cheng, Alumni Relations officer.

 By Stephen Bhogal
 UMAA (Singapore)


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